A Note About On-Going Infrastructure Upgrades

In the past couple of months, we have been progressively performing some major upgrades on our cloud infrastructure to improve the performance, stability and reliability of our cloud servelets. We are doing the upgrade in phases, and thanks to our redundant infrastructure, most of the upgrades were being performed without being much affecting your cloud servers’ uptime.

Storage Network Upgrade to 40 Gbps and Other Improvements

We have upgraded our core storage network from 10Gbps to 40Gbps, increasing the bandwidth capacity for the storage network by four times. As part of the upgrade, we also have replaced all our storage nodes’ NICs to the 40G model.

In addition, we also have upgraded the RAM of all our storage nodes. This allows our storage cluster to have better data performing performance. At the same time, we are also slowly replacing some of older SSDs within the storage cluster with newer drives with higher I/O performance and capacity.

All of these give faster and more reliable storage access our customers’ servelets, improving the servelets’ performance in general.

Platform Upgrade and Better Hardware For Expansion

As part of the overall upgrade plans, we will also upgrade our cloud infrastructure platform. This upgrade will further improve the stability and reliability of our cloud platform. We are also implementing a better and more reliable hardware for our cloud infrastructure’s expansion, allowing us to keep up with the latest technologies available for our cloud infrastructure out there, both on hardware and platform level.