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Blazing fast SSD Public and Private Cloud VPS, With Easy Management, from $8/month

Siap Dalam 3 Menit

Jangan menunggu terlalu lama! Deployment server secara real-time, siap dalam beberapa menit.

Server SSD Cepat dan Aman

Server SSD yang sangat cepat, untuk kinerja lebih baik.

Tidak Ada Minimum Kontrak

Pembayaran bulanan - tidak ada komitmen tahunan (atau lebih) yang menjengkelkan.

Pengelolaan Server Lebih Simpel

100% otomasi, servelets yang siap dijalankan & pengelolaan panel yang mudah.

Skalabilitas On-the-fly

Perlu tambahan daya komputasi malam ini? Jangan khawatir. Upgrade dan downgrade dalam sekejap.

Nilai dan Daya yang Sebenarnya.

Tidak ada biaya atau overhead yang mahal, Anda cukup membayar untuk daya komputasi yang Anda gunakan.
SimplerCloud cloud VPS are instant, fast, self-manageable Linux and Windows root cloud or virtual private servers for start-ups, small-to-medium businesses and Internet application companies and web developers that want better, faster SSD cloud server technology that is simple, easy to use, and real-time.

Singapore VPS: Hosted in a Tier-3 Singapore Data Center

Fast, SSD servers, an easy interface, automated billing and no contracts? We made things simpler so your business can really reap the real benefits of cloud hosting.

What's the difference between virtual private servers and our cloud hosting? Find out more.

I have tried many cloud hosting providers around the world but none are as fast as Indra's SimplerCloud, and reasonable prices too.
Nielson Assa, Infotek

Our customers

What Our Customers Say

" the technical staff are always ready and fast to get it resolved. So far so good and was pleased with the speed of provided. Keep up the good works.

Joshua Lee, Illumina One Pte Ltd

" Hi, I just want to write to thank you for providing such a fast server at amazing price. Thanks a lot!

Alvin Chua

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Simple, pre-packaged plans cover everything you need.

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Ordering to receiving server login takes 5 minutes (or less)

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Enjoy your easy management panel & powerful SSD servers.


Launch your SSD cloud server now.

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