Partner Program – Partner Discounts

What are Partner Discounts?

We offer approved Partners two types of special Discounts. Partner Discounts reward parties who purchase in specific volumes with receive 10% or more rebates and discounts. In addition to ongoing volume-based rebates now available, exclusive promocodes and special bundles will also be available to all approved Partners on an ad hoc basis in future.

Partner Discount schemes available:

  1. Bonus Credit
  2. Quarterly Rebate (Not available for new applicants)

The Bonus Credit and Quarterly Rebate schemes are mutually exclusive and Partners may choose to enroll for either one. For details on each scheme, click to read more more about our Partner Bonus Credit and Quarterly Rebate discounts.

Coming Soon: Other Partner Discount Schemes coming soon will include exclusive promocodes for Partners, special bundles, and more. All qualified Partners will have the chance to enjoy future Partner Promocodes and bundles.

Why be a SimplerCloud Partner?

At SimplerCloud, we are the natural choice of infrastructure partners for web developers, web marketing agencies, system integrators and companies with similar categories. Because we provide direct cloud servers, dedicated servers and managed networking, we are a good fit for parties who require regular web servers and managed hosting services. and volume basis.

Custom Templates and Cloud/ Network Infrastructure Design
We work closely with web developers and agencies to propose and design custom network and cloud infrastructure for high-end projects and tenders. We also provide provide cloud infrastructure management for web developers who service the front-end requirements of their clients.

How do I qualify and how can I sign up?

Anyone may apply but if you fit the following criteria, you are more likely to be approved

  • Currently spending $200 or more monthly
  • Web Developer, System Integrater, Internet Agency, or similar function
  • Strategic partner tie-ups, such as service providers, community initiatives or channels

We reserve the right to reject applicants and enrolled partners without providing a reason.

You can submit your application here or submit your query below if you want to contact us beforehand.


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